Kennel Attendant/Veterinary Assistant
Laura D.
Kennel Attendant/Veterinary Assistant
Laura D.
Laura is originally from Grand Rapids, she now resides here in West Michigan. She started working at Clarke in 2019 as a kennel attendant/veterinary assistant. Laura stepped away for a brief time in 2020 but is back on Team Clarke since early 2021. Laura is now what we would call a jack of all trades/utility team member and helps out where ever she is needed. She continues to help in kennels and covers shifts, does some veterinary assisting, does some administrative work upfront, and helps out upstairs with some paperwork also. Her special interests at Clarke include learning new things all the time and watching surgery. At home, Laura has a 19-year-old son, a 7-year-old chocolate lab named Barley, a 5-year-old black lab named Hopps, and a 5-year-old cat named Jackson. Laura is currently studying criminal justice through Columbia Southern University. When she isn't busy working her hobbies include reading, hiking, camping, horseback riding, and binge-watching tv. She notes that animals are her passion, especially horses. When her crazy schedule allows she volunteers at Out Side In, an outpatient therapy facility in Grand Haven, taking care of their 19 horses. Duties there include feeding, turnout, mucking stalls, sweeping aisles, and administering meds as needed. Last but not least, Laura is an MSU fan!